Originally uploaded by lakbdesign/fergusandme
caroline says: "bored? got penguins? (or any small stand up type stuffed animal) got old socks? then snip, snip, snip until you've created some freeform clothes for them . . . cool.
caroline says: "bored? got penguins? (or any small stand up type stuffed animal) got old socks? then snip, snip, snip until you've created some freeform clothes for them . . . cool.
The Make-it Book, an old how-to book of the "busy children are certainly staying out of trouble" genre, resurfaced at our house last week (i think it was purchased at an estate sale last summer, but its precise provenance is lost to the mists of time) and was promptly set upon by caroline and teddy, who found any number of excellent time devouring projects to get started on (remember, this book was published in 1928 (by rand mcnally!) when children's lives were bereft of travel soccer, ipod touches, and tv; a time when beribboned and pantalooned youngsters presumably had all the time in the world to make a horse and cart out of vegetables, or a houseboat floating on corks, or any number of other delights) ~~ after some negotiations, we agreed to start out with clothespin dolls, as described in the book. caroline got to work, and the result today was the charming couple harry and guinevive (she made that one up), who, we have decided, will travel the world on exciting adventures, mostly roaming afar from their delightful yellow house in Washingline, DC. First stop, hong kong. so, these are their travels, to be updated every monday. i think we're going to call it mondays with the Make-it Book. it's a return to old fashioned pastimes, maybe. definitely better than sponge bob. we'll post how-tos on making your own clothespin dolls, like harry and guinevive, later today :)
apparently i have become obsessed with flickr. today's find, mochimochi land, is unbearably cute. wish i could knit better. and she sells knitting patterns (like dumbledore, i do so love knitting patterns) on the website at
for my fellow scots reading this, i've spent entirely too much time over the last couple of days looking at tinyevilhog's wonderfully evocative photostream; definitely not time wasted -- you should look, too.
isn't this fun, with valentine's day coming up and all? ~having recently tracked down a bunch of polaroid 600 film (from a dentist's office, who knew?!), i might have to do this. i like the pink wall idea, too -- very valentine-y and sweet. also a good project for my eleven year old? xlove it.
okay, it's not all about the bunny. but she is cute! i also love the ikea hack -- wish i could crochet!
and again, arresting image, arresting message. clever, really, and i think fun to wear.
if you're like me, you're tired of the same old, same old mall offerings for kids, especially boys. i love these chopshopstore ts for kids -- unusual, arty, full of sly commentary; sort of just like my kids, really.
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i got the blues thinking of the future, so i left off and made some marmalade. it's amazing how it cheers one up to shred oranges and scrub the floor. dh lawrence